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Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  • Attendance of following functions is compulsory for all students
    • Independence Day
    • Republic Day
    • Birth and Death Anniversary of great Indian personalities.
  • Once a student is admitted to any of course in the college, he/ she must abide by the following rules and regulations:
    • Student must carry identity card with them in the campus and produce it on demand by authority.
    • Student must attend popular lecture/ seminars/ debates/ functions arranged by the college, for overall personality development of the students.
    • Students are expected to take active part in extra-curricular activities organized by the college from time to time.
    • Students must park their vehicles in the parking stand only and bicycles with proper lock system.
    • Home assignments, test, tutorials, seminar are compulsory.
    • Students should inform their progress to their parents, guardians.
    • Students must go through various notices and circulars displayed on the notice boards of the college from time to time regarding all activities including examinations, scholarships and placement opportunities.
    • Misbehaviour on the party of the students is considered as a serious offence.
    • Damage to the college property caused by the students will be duly recovered from them.
    • Undertaking should be given against ragging.
  • Important instructions about Ragging

    Strict actions will be taken to those students who are found in Ragging at College premises and in hostels as per the norms laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

    The following actions will be taken by the college against students involved in ragging.

    • To keep away students thoroughly from educational benefits and attendance in the class.
    • To prevent from scholarships, fellowship and other educational benefits.
    • To prevent appearing for the all types of exams.
    • To keep away such students from state, international conferences, seminars, workshops, competitions or youth festivals and sports activities.
    • To dismiss from the hostel, to cancel the admission.
    • To prevent students to seek admission from every other educational institutes.
    • To fine of Rs. 25,000/- to 1 Lack.
    • Judiciary action will be taken immediately against such students.
Rules and Regulations | Maharani Lal Kunwari, MLK (PG) College