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Courses Available

Course Detail
Ph. D. View
Sr.No. Course No. Of Seats
1. Hindi 12
2. Geography 18
3. Pol. Science 4
4. Sanskrit 12
5. Botany 30
6. Zoology 8
7. Chemistry 12
8. Physics 26
9. Mathematics 06
10. Education 16

Code of ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in research

Ethics is the most significant element of the academic activities in teaching and research. Teaching and research forms a novel combination of knowledge transfer which needs freedom to express the knowledge. Freedom in the academic process to express the knowledge and invention in the most ethical way. It include the freedom to inquire for innovation of new things in subject that encourage intellectual concern, to present findings, to publish data and conclusions without control or censorship and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. This requires integrity with the teaching and research.


The College has formulated an Anti-plagiarism Committee constituted under the chairmanship of Prin. Dr N K Singh. Committee has framed the guidelines for Research Publications and checks the  M.Sc. dissertation and Ph.D. thesis and before publication in journals or seminars/conferences and suggests some corrections to avoid the malpractices in research if any. The college has full-fledged research committee and academic research coordinator to reviews the Minor/Major research proposals before submission to different funding agencies. College also follows the guideline made by Sidharth university Kapilvastu Sidharhthnagar and guidelines of U G C for research ethics.

Aims & Objectives

Faculty and students are encouraged to do high quality rigorous research and not submit  or  publish poor quality work by taking shortcuts and easy ways. College also has uploaded code of ethics in research on the college website.

The number of good quality research publications in peer-reviewed/UGC recognised reputed journals; with their citations, h-index, patents and utility of such research are used for such metrics. Research publications carry extensive weightage in the faculty selection, promotions, increment and academic performance index (API) as recommended by the University Grants Commission (UGC) from time to time.

The Anti-plagiarism Committee

Chairman- Dr. N K Singh (Head Department of Botany )

Member- Dr. R K Singh  (Head, Department of Chemistry)

Dr.D D Tewari  (Associate Prof.Department of Botany)

Dr.Chandeshwar Pandey  (Head,Department of Hindi)

Dr.J.P.Pandey  (Assoiatec Prof.Department of Physics)


Guidelines for Research Publications and Ethics

Institute use plagiarism software so as to ensure that documents such as thesis, dissertation, term papers, reports, publications or any other such documents are free of plagiarism at the  every student submitting a thesis, dissertation, technical papers or any other such documents to time of their submission.

The supervisor/guide shall submit an undertaking indicating that the document has been prepared by him or her and that the document is his/her original work and free of any malpractices.  Every faculty- researcher submitting a thesis, dissertation, technical papers or any other  documents to the Board of Anti-Plagiarism shall submit an undertaking indicating that the  document has been duly checked by the Research Advisory Committee of the College..   Each supervisor/guide shall submit a certificate indicating that the work done by the researcher  under him/her is plagiarism free.

Courses Available | Maharani Lal Kunwari, MLK (PG) College